
All fine art and limited edition print purchases include your choice of a black, white or neutral wood frame.

All framed prints come with UV-protectant premium plexiglass* and arrive pre-wired and ready for hanging straight out of the box.

Fine Art Frame Options

The printed photo is mounted with a custom white archival mat and offered with your choice of a black, white or neutral wood box frame as shown below.

Wood Box Frame (Black): Adam Stone Art Wood Box Frame (White): Adam Stone Art Wood Box Frame (Neutral): Adam Stone Art

Limited Edition Frame Options

The printed canvas is placed onto heavy duty wooden stretcher bars like a painting (wrapped) and offered either unframed as a gallery wrap or with your choice of a black, white or neutral wood floater frame as shown below.

Wood Floater Frame (Black): Adam Stone Art Wood Floater Frame (White): Adam Stone Art Wood Floater Frame (Neutral): Adam Stone Art

* Please note that ammonia and alcohol based cleaners like Windex can damage plexiglass. For proper cleaning of your framed print, please use a soft cotton or microfibre cloth.